terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010

A simple symfony application deploy using shell script.

This is something that can be used to deploy an app to an staging environment. After that you can sync it somehow, but I prefer to export again to prod to keep the fidelity from the release launched with the repo release.

It´s nice to see how many things can be done with shell scritp without the need to configure those weird xmls (IMO, of course). It´s just more.... simple.

die () {
echo >&2 "$@"
exit 1

// validate the parameters count....

[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || die "Voce precisa informar o nome da release para ser o nome do diretorio gerado dentro de prod_online"

// exports the code from a local repo. (if you need from a foreign with ssh, ask that I can publish some info also)

svn export --force file:///data/svn/reuni-on/trunk /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1

// override the config file with one specific to prod environment.

cp /data/web/reuni/deploy_script/testesSincronia.conf.tmp /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/web/testesSincronia/conf.php

// create dirs that are not so good to be on the repo.

mkdir /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/cache
mkdir /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/log
mkdir /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/data/offlineParaDownload

//allow to write into this dirs ( here you will probably want a more restrictive permission)
chmod 777 -R /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/cache
chmod 777 -R /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/log
chmod 777 -R /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/data/offlineParaDownload

// clear symfony cache
php /data/web/reuni/prod_online/$1/symfony cc

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